Friday, August 15, 2008

Christian Research Institute Re: Word Faith

Joel Osteen and his fellow word faithers are evil. They preach a foreign gospel.

Hear for yourself,

Some people will say, "Hey if it works for you then fine". The problem is the word faith movement has created a legacy of souls who have been driven from Christianity and religion as a whole because of a burnout that occurs when one is constantly faced with being poor not because they didn't get the right education but because God is making them poor for not having enough faith. People have died because they would not see a doctor or take appropriate medicine because they were told they to "claim their miracle" ignoring that the medicine and doctors are miracles in and of themselves.

I watched a person tell a young man involved in a car accident, suffering from a traumatic brain injury that God can't use "gimps" and that the young man needed to have faith that he would be healed.

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